High Line or Harvest Equipment
High line tower with cable rigging 65 ft. high. Still operational

High line tower and bin cut to ground

Demolition crews cutting up Harvest Equipment

Cabling left from high line and cut up

Next to take 2 drum American hoist 1030 International diesel pwr. unit or Wench that ran High Line

Loading up perfectly good running 700 uc. in. International power unit from High line Harvest Equipment

Loading up 2nd power unit in perfectly good running condition for backup

In the distance both power units can be seen

Demolation company trailer with dozer that carried away the Harvest Equipment

Raw material stacking conveyor

Bulk and plant feed conveyor

Both conveyors together ready to be cut up. We pulled them out to remove from property but OFB denied us the right and had them cut up

Conveyors cut up and picture show belting rolled up

Cut up conveyor rollers

Drive gear box and drive roller from cut up conveyor

v belt feed conveyor with electric motor and gear box and material handling Roller Conveyors

v conveyor, bag handling conveyors and stainless steel parts rack emptied of parts

Worker of demolition cutting tires off all equipment. Any tires that were mounted

Caldwell waiting for cut up conveyors to haul off

Pieces of cut up conveyors, tires burnt off rims of wheels, and farm plows on top

Amos Equipment Displayed for Sale at Caldwell Place of Business
1 1/4 cu. yrd. drag line bucket used in high line operation - fair lead in bottom right of picture. Caldwell business sign in background

Different view of bucket and fair lead

Another view

All cable clamps from highline and large roll of cabeling in background

Caldwell place of business one direction west on 6th street

Caldwell place of business from another direction east on 6th street

Caldwell truck license

Caldwell business sign on truck

Gas Storage Tanks with Pumps and Gauges with Cable on Fire
Gas and diesel storage tanks with roll of cabling seen at Calwell place of business in background

Burn pile with Gas storage tanks on top. Found remains of children toys and keepsakes. Trikes, bikes, and etc.

Shows burn pile burning days later

Parts and Shelving Emptied
Parts room inside plant. Bolt bins as shown (full), shelving, plastic tubing for sealers

Bolt bin shown empty as all confiscated

Shelving emptied of parts - bag flattner sitting behind - palletizing box far left, edge of picture

Looking north out of plant drums filled with parts, upstairs parts storage (nothing left) empty parts shelves and bag flattener bottom right

Drums full of parts, empty bins on pallet conveyor. To strech wrapper. All conveyors taken and cut up

More parts in drums

More parts in drums

Inside tool room, tool box, time clock, office on top of tool room. Files, Cabinets, etc.

Bagging Equipment
Hopper for processed material in plant stand which served as mount for bag filling equipment underneath

Stainless steel hopper seen through gates in background of Caldwell property of business

Heating system with hopper on left

Bag Palletizing Box with Air Pallet Ejection System
Bag Palletizing Box still in plant still hooked up to air with pallet ejections system

Caldwell waiting with box on truck

Forks for Forklift, Hose and Hose Connections, Stretch Wrapper, Electrical Panels
Forks barely used for Allis Chalmers Dozer

Stretch Wrapper with unseen in picture rotating table connected to main conveyors

Electrical control paneling and power switch operation much more electrical not seen

Three and Four in pump hoses expensive quick connect Aluminum fittings

Michigan 3 cu. yard loaders, all same vintage for production plant and feed. Rebuilt buckets

Personal Belongings
Below are three pictures capturing the personal belongings we were able to get to at the last minute. See time line of Amos Removal