OFBF Mission Statement: "...Protect Personal Property Rights."






The Story
Amos Comment on Deceit
Humble Beginnings
Regulatory Shutdown
Beginning of OFBF Involvement
Legal Involvement of OFBF
Court of Appeals Saga
Certified Appraisals
Sought Political Help
OFBF Inc. Fraud
Confiscation of Property
Destruction of Amos Assets
My Mother's House Confiscated

Audio Interview

Index of Timeline
Index of Frank Merrill
Index of B&E

Received Feedback

Contact Us
Contact Information


photoIn the Amos case, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation (OFBF) changed their mission from protecting private property rights to being the taker of private property. Complicit in this injustice have been attorneys Jones, Reevis, Pogue and Day.

We will give a detailed account FOR INVESTIGATION with proof of letters, documents, explanation, sagas, and legal action taken against the Amos's from the beginning. It is extensive as it appears the OFB came to our aid in the beginning. The first lie in preliminary hearing is that Amos's went to OFB for help. We did not know anything of OFB until Dale Dorhner came to our home and business and asked us to join OFB and at that time heard our story with Army Corp of Engineers and EPA. We were then chosen as the poster child for PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR THE STATE OF OHIO.

We would like for you to meet us in the pictures below before this happened to us and maybe you would like to let us know your comments.

Since we were denied a jury trial of which we felt the truth would have prevailed, we leave it in the hands of our children and the people.

I dedicate this web site to my husband Farley for all his work of a life time that he tried to do the best he could to provide for his family through the rights of an AMERICAN DREAM and to endure the trials of those who have fought to take it. From his roots in South western Va. to Ohio at the age of 19 to establish & start from scratch.

I also dedicate this to our children, from their youth that helped their father and myself to help build the business. So that they may know as they became weary and had to leave, we fought on for them. We could not falter because we taught you as long as you learned to work and preservere that the outcome would be good. Unknown to us is what laid in wait. So every move of corruption in sequence and every document will be shown as proof of our plight that has practically taken our lives with irreversible grief and loss. All documents were denied a jury trial, or even a judicial hearing before a judge and our rights totally abused in the judicial system; all in the name of "help" from OFB because of the "regularatory taking."

To all the OFB right hand members that did not know what the left hand was doing and for those just reading we hope that this type of situation never happens to anyone else again.

Can anyone imagine the tremendous amount of money required as well as the phenomenal preplanning necessary from the state and federal agencies in addition to the Ohio Farm Bureau to take Amos down?!


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